Friday, January 8, 2010

Price List

Have you ever wondered if a sale price is truly a good price? This list of prices should be able to help us all. This list comes from Prepared LDS Family and it is WONDERFUL.

I've updated everything that says "Jan. 2010" next to it and the first four pages compare Smith's case lot prices with Walmart and Costco. For the most part the Smith's case lot prices are lower.

To view the Northern Nevada price list, click HERE.

Although most items can be purchased for a lower price with a sale and a coupon, this list can be used as a base reference for regular prices. There are gaps and items I'd like to eventually add, but for now this is a good starting point.

If you have prices to add to this list, by all means let me know. Otherwise, my four boys and I will continue to wander up and down the aisles writing down prices. I'm sure we were quite the spectacle today!

Thanks, Prepared LDS Family.

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