Monday, November 30, 2009

Food Storage Plan Update

I'm working on my food storage plan. So far, I've finished my inventory. Have you?

It's been nice to know exactly what I have. It came in handy when the sugar was on sale to know how much more I wanted...because I knew how much I had.

I'm now going to work on slowly gathering what I need. First on my list is WATER.
It's said that humans can go three weeks without food but only three days without water it is.

After reading water storage information from:

I've decided to store 2 gallons of water per person, per day for two weeks.

The breakdown:
6 people at 2 gallons a day= 12 gallons of water/day
12 gallons/day x 14 (two-week supply)= 168 gallons

Whew! That seems like a lot. Since I've done my inventory, I know that I already have about 90 gallons of water. I have some water bottles for drinking that I've picked up when I find a sale. (I usually like to pay $2.00 or less for a 24-pack.)I also have some 7-gallon containers that we used for storage when it was just the two of us. We kept these babies stacked in the bathroom of our little condo. (Ah, the good 'ol days.) We bought these at Wal-Mart.

I actually had to use them once when the water was shut off for repairs to the building. I liked that they were portable and had a spigot on the side for easy use. I just put one at each sink and used it as I would the faucet. I'm going to buy the 55-gallon water barrels for the rest of my water storage. We have room in the garage for them and I think this will work for our family. What has worked well for you? Any suggestions for me?

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