Friday, June 4, 2010

Smith's: Strawberries and Cream - $0.45 each!

I was reading blogs from ladies in Utah that the strawberry containers had $1.00 Cool Whip peelies at Smith's. I thought surely that had to be a Utah-only thing but low and behold...there were peelies on all of the strawberry containers at my Smith's (Baring and Sparks) too.

This makes for a smokin' hot deal on strawberries and Cool Whip.

Buy 5 Strawberries, 1 lb - $1.50 each
Buy 5 Cool Whip, 8 oz. - $1.00 each
Use (5) $1.00/1 strawberries wyb Cool Whip peelies
Final price: $7.50 OOP and receive $3.00 Catalina back (for buying 5 Cool Whip)

It's like paying $4.50 for all 10 items or $0.45 each!

The rest of the Smith's deals can be found HERE.

(Thanks, Krazy Coupon Lady!)

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