Saturday, December 19, 2009

Local Thrift Stores

Secondhand shopping is a great way to safe money. Even though I still haven't had a chance to go by these thrift stores to check it all out, I wanted to post this advice from Sofia L. I'm just going to copy what she said because she says it so well!

"Savers on Mondays has reinstated their 99 cent Mondays with additional half price tags. So certain color tags will be 99 cents no matter what the price marked and then another color will be half priced.

At the Goodwill bargain bin all children's books are a quarter. Plus I love getting children's swimsuits there (I know that sounds nasty and ghetto but that's why God made color safe bleach) because the way clothing is priced by the pound the swimsuits end up being 20 cents. It's hood there, just to forewarn. Even if you don't have asthma, you might have an asthma attack because of smells."

Too funny. I'll wear my meat-handling mask to help with the smell when I go. Thanks for the tips, Sofia! Any other money saving tips out there?

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