Be sure the check the ad because sometimes there are differences by region.
One of the biggest differences in our ad this week is we get $10.00 in Kohl's rewards for every $50.00 spent! (March 17-21)

Last time this promo. ran I spent $50.00 at Safeway, got my $10.00 to Kohl's, and got a FREE tie at Kohl's for my brother on a mission. (I can admit that here because he'll never read it.)
It does state that the $50.00 excludes Safeway club card savings and Safeway coupons. There is no mention of manufacturer coupons. When I did it last I made sure my total was $50.00 AFTER coupons just to be safe but I got a LOT of stuff. I'm too chicken to try it at $50.00 before coupons and then not have it work.
*UPDATED* Total must be $50.00 AFTER coupons. (Thanks, Discipline Bound!)
I'm working up my scenario right now and I'll post it once I've got it figured out. Let me know if you're planning on spending the $50.00 (or $100.00 or $150.00...) and what deals you're planning on using.
I asked yesterday when I was there, if the $50 was before or after coupons and they told me the total has to be after coupons.
Whew, THANKS! I won't risk it then.
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