Friday, November 13, 2009

My Shopping Today

Here is what I bought on my outing today. I went to four different stores and spent $23.82 for everything pictured below.This is not the typical way I shop (lots of stores in one fatal swoop), but my husband had the morning off so I took advantage of some ALONE shopping time. (The cashier at Walgreens asked me where the boys were!)

Here is the breakdown: (* indicates items for my food storage)
Save Mart- $12.02
12 boxes of cereal *
2 bags of salad
9 apples
5 bananas
3 pears
3 oranges
Wal-Mart- $5.27
2 boxes of Halloween Ritz crackers
2 cans Campbell's cream mushroom soup *
2 cans Campbell's cream chicken soup *
3 cans Hunt's tomato sauce *
2 cans Pillbury Grands biscuits
1 bottle Welch's sparkling cider *
1 box Goldfish *
Walgreens- $2.99
2 containers of Sunmaid raisins *
1 bottle of Ocean Spray juice *
Scolari's- $3.54
2 packs of Chinet plates *
4 packs of Kraft cheese *
1 bottle of dried oregano *
2 packs of No Yolks noodles *

If you're interested in doing some of these deals, Scolari's is HERE, Save Mart is HERE, Wal-Mart is HERE, and deals for this week at Walgreens can be found HERE and HERE.I think I'm happiest about the produce I got at Save Mart. It's nice to have my fruit bin full!


Maria said...

What an inspiration! I definately have to pick up on my couponing... I love that you actually got USABLE food (not just "snack food"). Way to go! I love to see it all layed out nicely afterwards;)

Kathryn said...

Wow! That makes me want to live in the lower 48! We just got a super Wal-Mart which I am really excited about! LOL!