Saturday, July 30, 2011

Zucchini Bread

(My boys of summer enjoying a slice of zucchini bread.)

I missed the boat on my garden this year. I managed to get a few things planted before prego sickness hit but nothing like usual.

Lucky for me, I have generous gardening friends. When Sheila brought me a beautiful zucchini earlier this week, I knew I wanted to turn it into some yummy zucchini bread.

I found an AMAZING recipe on that turned out so moist and yummy. The recipe makes two regular-sized loaves but I'm sure it would make great muffins or mini loaves too.

This bread also freezes well if you're wealthy in the zucchini department (which many people tend to be this time of year) and need to use it all up.

You can find the recipe HERE. Enjoy!


Brandi said...

This is the EXACT recipe I use for zucchini bread! They come out even better in the mini loaf pans too! Sometimes I add a little extra zucchini too! So yummy! For Banana Bread, the best I have found is:

Natalie said...

How did you know I had three ripe bananas sitting on my counter? Banana bread is next on my to-do list. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

Brandi said...

Lol... so do I! I've been slacking on making smoothies this week so I have them too! It is such a great moist recipe. I think the mini loaves are better too but the big loaves are delish too! Glad to see you're back up and posting! I've missed this site and check it occassionally! :)

Heidi said...

My mom just brought over a very LARGE zucchini--I didn't know you could freeze the bread. This has so made my day :)