Monday, October 17, 2011

Safeway: Check Your Just For U Prices and Coupons!

I paid $4.96 for this without cutting any coupons...simply load these deals onto your Safeway card.
I was checking out my Safeway Just For U prices to see if I had the price to get the Skippy peanut butter deal.  Happily, I did...and I noticed some other great Just For U prices and coordinating e-coupons!

Remember, these are my personal Just For U prices, so yours could be different, but it's worth checking!  Add both the Just For U prices and the e-coupons to get some sweet deals.  They will both come off when your Safeway card is scanned.

SELECT Seasonings Premium Grinder - J4U FREE

Knorr Sides - J4U $0.79, limit 4
$0.50/1 Safeway e-coupon
Final price:  $0.29

Wishbone Dressing, 8-24 oz. - J4U $0.99, limit 2
$1.50/1 Safeway e-coupon
Final price:  $0.24 each (I got 2)

Cookie Crisp - J4U $1.97, limit 4
$0.75/1 Safeway e-coupon
Final price:  $1.22

Best Foods Mayo, 30 oz. - J4U $2.49, limit 2
$1.50 Safeway e-coupon
Final price:  $0.99

Skippy Peanut Butter - J4U $1.49, limit 2
$1.00/2 Safeway e-coupon
Final price:  $0.99 each and get back $1 Catalina WYB 2 Skippy Naturals
Like paying $0.49 each

Grand Total:  $4.96 (plus $1.00 Catalina back)
Price without J4U savings and coupons:  $34.22
Amount Saved:  $29.26 or 85%

Friday, October 14, 2011

My Shopping: $23.66

I ran to two stores today with my boys.  It's been fun having so much "help" while they're on track break from school.  (See below for proof.)  The boys are excited for their party tonight.  They're planning on pizza and soda while I'm away.
Scolari's - $15.76
3 Kikkoman Sauce - $0.69 each
2 Sierra Mist - $0.49 each
2 Land O Frost Ham - $0.49 each
CPK Pizza - $2.79
2 Digiorno Pizza - $2.79 each
Yogurt, 32 oz. - $0.99 (clearance)
3 Loaves of Bread - $0.79 each (clearance)

Find Scolari's Deals HERE. (Thanks, Centsible Sisters!)

Raley's - $7.90  ($3.00 Catalina back)
10 Del Monte Corn - $0.39 each
2 Cheetos - $1.00 each
2 Fritos Chips - $1.00 each

Find Raley's Deals HERE or HERE.  (Thanks, Clever Housewife and Frugal Find!)

I'm loving the deal on canned veggies at Raley's.  Every time you buy 10 you get a $3.00 Catalina back.  Then you can use that $3.00 to buy another 10, making them just $0.39/can!  That's cheaper than even the case lot sale.

Grand Total Spent - $23.66
Total Before Sales and Coupons - $64.46
Total Saved - $40.80 or 63%

Sunday, October 2, 2011

September Savings

Again for the month of September I tracked how much I spent and saved.  Oh, how I love coupons!

Total spent in Sept.:  $387.85
Retail Value:  $963.26
Total saved in Sept.:  $575.41, or 60% saved

I was right that my numbers will vary from month to month.  This month was the Smith's Case Lot Sale and I stocked up on a few things, accounting for the higher amount spent this month.  I'm still curious to see how it fluctuates throughout the year, so I'm going to keep tracking.

Want to join the challenge and keep track of how much you save?  Feel free to download the spreadsheet I am using HERE(The formula is set up so you just have to enter how much you spent and how much you saved and it will calculate the retail amount automatically.)

Happy Savings!